How Do You Say Agreement in German

April 20, 2022

If you`re working or studying in Germany, Switzerland or Austria, you may need to know how to say “agreement” in German. Here are some common ways to express agreement in German:

1. “Vereinbarung” – This is the most common way to say “agreement” in German. It can be used for both formal and informal agreements, such as a contract or an arrangement between friends.

Example: “Wir haben eine Vereinbarung getroffen.” (We made an agreement.)

2. “Abkommen” – This term is often used for international agreements, such as treaties between countries.

Example: “Das Abkommen wird von beiden Ländern unterzeichnet.” (The agreement will be signed by both countries.)

3. “Übereinkunft” – This term emphasizes the fact that both parties have come to an understanding or consensus.

Example: “Wir haben eine Übereinkunft erzielt.” (We have reached an agreement.)

4. “Einigung” – This term emphasizes the process of reaching an agreement and may be used for negotiations.

Example: “Nach langen Verhandlungen haben wir endlich eine Einigung erzielt.” (After long negotiations, we have finally reached an agreement.)

5. “Zustimmung” – This term emphasizes the fact that one party has agreed to something proposed by another party.

Example: “Die Zustimmung der Geschäftsführung war unerwartet schnell.” (The approval of the management was surprisingly fast.)

These are just some of the ways to say “agreement” in German and the context in which they are used can vary. As a copy editor with SEO experience, it`s important to use the most appropriate keyword for your content to optimize it for search engines. By using the correct German term for “agreement,” you`ll be able to reach a wider audience and provide valuable information for those in need of a translation.
