Silence Agreement Quote

April 12, 2021

Is there a quote that says something like “silence is an agreement” or “silence means consent”? Cromwell distinguishes the different types of silence. He chose to interpret More`s silence on the validity of the king`s marriage to signify the reproach and denial of the king`s power. Cromwell is aware that More`s silence speaks louder than words. First of all, it is certain that More will be “right,” but he is still upset that More does not directly express his support for the king. Norfolk wonders why, if More “is silent, why not let him shut up?”, to which Cromwell replies: “This “silence” of him cries out Europe!” Although More has characterized his silence as discreet, he is interpreted nationally as an opinion in itself. Cromwell argues that all the men of the court and all the men of the country know More`s opinion on the title of king, even if More did not say a word. That`s why, says Cromwell, More`s silence is not silent at all. Silence Quotes: If I could, I would always work in silence and darkness, and let my efforts be known by their results. Silence is sometimes the best answer. Silence is the ultimate weapon of power. Silence is better than insincent words. Norfolk: But he makes no noise, Mr.

Secretary; He`s silent, why don`t you shut up? Cromwell: Since you are not a man of letters, your grace, you may not realize how great his reputation is. It is this “silence” of Europe that roars! No longer used silence as a shield. Unfortunately, silence will be as dangerous as an expressed opinion, because its motivations remain interpretable in the absence of judgments of speech. Silence can potentially serve as a shield, but few characters who have the ability to shut up and save a life do. Instead, silence becomes a weapon, useful to all who have the most convincing interpretation. Choose the silence of all virtues, because it allows you to hear the imperfections of other men and to conceal your own. – George Bernard Shaw In A Man For All Seasons, silence is powerful, but only because it is open to interpretation. Thomas More uses silence as a tool to protect himself and his family, believing that silence is truly neutral. In speaking, he knows that he will incriminate himself, while hoping, through silence, to remain innocent in the eyes of the law.

Unfortunately, for Cromwell and – more importantly – for Henry VIII, silence is not neutral; It is both malicious and (finally) treacherous.
