Rep Agreement Monitor

April 11, 2021

There are no restrictions on who can be designated as a monitor, except that it must be a person, not an organization, the person must be 19 years of age or older, and they must be ready to perform their duties. Note – we recommend that the designated representative provide a copy of the nestus card of the role of a representative and each monitor, which is designated by the role sheet of a monitor when an adult has a s 7 RA that authorizes his representative to make routine financial decisions, the adult must appoint a monitor to supervise his agent, unless: as previously stated , you can give your representatives the power to handle your personal and health affairs as well as your usual legal and financial affairs. Under the current BC Act, representation agreements can also cover important financial matters such as the purchase or sale of real estate. You can indicate in your representation agreement what your representative must respect when making decisions on your behalf and when and under what circumstances the agreement must enter into force. As noted above, it is considered that you are in a position to make the decision to enter into a replacement contract, unless there has been any further evidence. This means that you must be able to understand and understand the context of the agreement and the consequences that result from it. The law gives you the benefit of the doubt when it comes to deciding whether you are legally in a position to enter into a representation agreement. By law, you are able to enter into a representation agreement – and they are considered capable of managing your own affairs – until proven otherwise. (c) Despite the repeal of section 9, paragraph 1, point g) of the Representation Agreement Act, a monitor appointed under the Act to control the exercise of a lawyer`s powers continues to have all the powers of a supervisor under the Act, as it is prior to the repeal. There is no definition of a “representation agreement” under the Representation Agreement Act, with the exception of the more tautological “means an agreement under Section 7 or 9.” Section 2 of the Act provides assistance: (d) there is an error in a representation agreement or an error in the performance, testimony or registration of the agreement has been committed, if the monitor fails to resolve the problem and the representative has a problem of abuse or breach of duty, they must then contact the Public Guardian and the Fiduciary Office , which can conduct a formal investigation.
