Custody Agreement Without Divorce

April 9, 2021

As has already been said, custody rights of children are generally defined during the divorce proceedings and are set in the judge`s divorce judgment. But custody disputes can also be resolved before a divorce is over. In North Carolina, you and your spouse can resolve custody and visitation issues through a private agreement; custody is not subject to a judge. Until you grant yourself both or until a court decides on custody of the children, remember that the general rule applies: each parent has the same rights over the physical possession of a child from the marriage. Judges tend to respect de facto custody agreements, believing that consistency is in the best interests of the child. So, if you want custody of your child, avoid giving de facto custody to your spouse. Also, avoid taking the house, as this can lead to your spouse getting full custody. In such cases, it is preferable to apply for temporary conservatory custody. There are three main ways to treat child custody and visitation before divorce. In the absence of a written document prohibiting such an approach, it is not a kidnapping, unless the motivation to move with the children is to evade the jurisdiction of the North Carolina courts. Remember that in a separation agreement, you have the power to define the custody regime that is best for your child, but if a judge has to rule on the custody agreement, you lose your decision-making power.

My Issueok I`m 14 years old and my parents separated as if I were 3 or 4 years old, and I want to know more, I lived with my mother and she never divorced, and I wondered how my father was going to have a child keeps for me and I can go see my fathers and my mother can do nothing there Many couples do not understand that without written agreement or court decision , a child is vulnerable to unpredictable disorders in the situation of life and discontinuity. Such a possible disruption even means that either parents are completely free to move from an existing residence county or leave the state of North Carolina with the children, unless the sole purpose of the exit was to circumvent the jurisdiction of our courts.
